Many thoughts.

A. I wanna read your book!!! Let me know when you're letting folks read drafts

B. So happy for your move to Cali! You really manifested bc when I met you this spring you told me that day that you really wanted to move to Cali! Oakland is so nice and you're going to build a beautiful life there!

C. I feel you on work shit! Moving is a great opportunity to shake the DC brainworms. Sometimes a job is just a job.

D. Have you thought about occupational therapy? lol. I'm biased but there is a lot of work there in occupational justice/empowerment/adoptee justice etc.

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hi !!! thank you thank you for this super kind comment, i appreciate it so much! i will def let you know when its ready for new eyes eeeep. thank you !!! cant believe we met last year that feels so long ago and your move to boston !!!! thank you!!!! dc brain worms, very hard to shake ! might have a TAPE WORM following me at this point. i have thought about OT before, ill have to check out the adoptee/ occupational justice work being done tysm!!

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